Please Note: We are closed from 1:00pm – 2:00pm every day for lunch.

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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Eyes By Design the leading provider of vision care products and services in Watford City and New Town.

Melissa Hjelden, OD

Dr. Melissa HjeldenDr. Missy joined the practice as an associate doctor in July 2013 and now owns Eyes by Design. Before joining the practice she worked in Minnesota for ECCA and Maple Grove Vision Clinic. She attended undergraduate school at the University of North Dakota where she obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration. In 2008 she graduated with her Doctorate of Optometry from Southern California College of Optometry. Dr. Missy was a part of Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Honor Society and was a recipient of WICHE scholarship. During school, she had internships at HuHukam Memorial Hospital, Tucson Veteran’s Medical Center, and Southwestern Eye Center. Dr. Missy grew up in Watford City, ND. She is enjoying being back in the community she grew up in and raising her daughter Nova here. In her free time, she enjoys running, hiking, and spending time at the lake kayaking, boating, and skiing. She also enjoys local sports leagues, such as golf and softball.

  • What are some small things that make your day better? Morning kisses from Nova and coffee!
  • What would be an amazing adventure to go on? I would love to do a VOSH trip.
  • Which celebrity has the best glasses? Zooey Deschanel

Douglas Nordby, OD

Dr. Douglas Nordby grew up in Bowman, ND where he graduated from Bowman High School in 1973. He then attended Dickinson State College, graduating in 1978. After that he pursued his degree in Optometry from Southern California College of Optometry. After graduating in 1985 he moved back to North Dakota and opened his own practice in Watford City. In 1996, Dr. Nordby opened a satellite practice in New Town, ND. Dr. Nordby is very involved in the community, serving as a member of the Masons since 1978, the Lions since 1985, and Rotary since 1985- where he served as president from 2002-03. He has also served on the board of North Dakota Vision Services, where he was president in 2009, and North Dakota Optometric Association, which he has been a member of since 1985, serving as president in 1996. Dr. Nordby was honored by the NDOA in 1996, being named as Young Optometrist of the year, and in 2010, when he was named Optometrist of the year. Dr. Nordby has a wife, Lori, and three children: Jessica, Mikka, and Douglas III. In his spare time, Dr. Nordby enjoys golfing, hunting, and sports officiating.

  • What are some small things that make your day better? Remembering all of my internet passwords for work and home
  • What would be an amazing adventure to go on? Exploring the Great Wall of China
  • Which celebrity has the best glasses? David Letterman

Susan Sampsel

Susan SSusan joined Eyes By Design in 2011. She is a certified optician with over 25 years of experience in eye care. Susan received Employee of the Year 2021 from the North Dakota Optometric Association in honor of her years of hard work and dedication to the field of Optometry. She and her husband Rodney have a son, Andrew, a daughter, Fallon, and now a daughter-in-law, Allison. Andrew and Allison were married in June 2018. Susan and her family enjoy spending time together hunting, fishing, and traveling.

  • What are some small things that make your day better? Hugs from my kids
  • What would be an amazing adventure to go on? I want to learn to fly an airplane
  • Which celebrity has the best glasses? Gayle King

Cheri B.

Cheri BCheri came to North Dakota in 2010 from New Mexico. She started in the optical field in 2013 and is an ABO-C certified optician. Cheri joined the team at Eyes by Design in 2021. You will find Cheri on the Optical floor putting her skills to good use with helping people choose frame and lens options. Cheri loves spending time with her family traveling or just hanging out watching a movie and having dinner. She enjoys being creative thru mixed media art and using her Cricut.

  • What are some small things that make your day better? Seeing smiles on my grandkid’s faces
  • What would be an amazing adventure to go on? I would love to visit Alaska with my husband
  • Which celebrity has the best glasses? Meryl Streep